But by the way, "Made in France" means what?
The term "Made in France" refers to the geographical origin of a product, indicating that it was entirely or partially manufactured in France. The use of this mention implies several potential benefits :
- Quality and know-how The "Made in France" is often associated with a quality and know-how guarantee. France is renowned for its high production standards, its artisanal tradition and excellence in many sectors such as fashion, gastronomy, luxury products, wines, perfumes, automobiles, etc. Products manufactured in France are often considered carefully designed and with special attention to detail. That’s exactly what we’re looking to put forward at home Fraise & Bois we manufacture colored toys and furniture for children simple and aesthetic, in our burgundy workshop and with quality wood.
- Ethical and social values : The "Made in France" can be seen as a sign of compliance with social and environmental standards. French companies are subject to strict labour, safety, environmental protection and labour rights regulations. The purchase of products manufactured in France can therefore be considered a support for ethical and sustainable practices. In addition to supporting French crafts, buying a product at home Fraise & Bois allows to live directly Lison, Noah, Thomas or all those who work daily in our workshop.
- Support to the local economy : By choosing products "Made in France", consumers contribute to supporting the local economy and preserving jobs in France. This can help maintain and develop French skills, industries and know-how, as well as reduce dependence on imports. In addition to creating jobs at home Fraise & Bois, we are committed to passing on our knowledge-to-do: it passes through training to our young people.
- Traceability and transparency : The "Made in France" often offers a better traceability of products. French production standards may require increased transparency with respect to materials used, manufacturing methods and working conditions. This can give consumers greater confidence in the origin and quality of products. In our workshop, we master the whole of our process: from the flow of wood panels to the cardboarding, everything goes first in our hands.
However, it is important to note that the name "Made in France" is not regulated in a uniform way in all sectors. Specific criteria may vary depending on products and industries. Therefore, it is essential to verify the specific information of each product and to learn about the company's practices before making a purchase choice based on geographical origin. Home Fraise & Bois, everything goes through our workshop, if you are not afraid of shavings, come check for yourself!