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What to offer to a child according to their age: the essential guide

When it comes to choosing the perfect gift for a child, a question invariably comes back: "What to offer according to his age?" Each of the stages of childhood development is unique, and finding an appropriate toy can sometimes seem a real puzzle. However, knowing them toy categories suitable for each age group, you can make a little more enlightened choice that will promote the development and pleasure of the child.

For Nourrissons (0-12 months):

The little ones in this age group are still discovering the world around them. Toys that stimulate their senses are essential. Opt for colorful rattles, soft fabric toys or cradle mobile for soft visual and tactile stimuli. Soft musical toys can also bring comfort and awakening. Home Fraise & Bois, the cubes born Camille were specially thought about the first year of baby. The time always goes too fast with toddlers, and keep in photo the balls of our babies with pretty cubes to remember the number of months is a beautiful souvenir gift.

For Babies (1-2 years):

At this age, babies begin to explore fine motor skills and coordination. Toys to stack, recess and cloth books are perfect to encourage these skills. Fabric dolls can also become precious companions. And why not offer a useful gift that will follow the child for years? This is the ideal time to offer furniture suitable, he then follows the child for many years. The choice is wide for a small one whose house is not yet fully equipped: a observation tower, like our Alix tower, scalable and adapted, will very quickly allow the smaller ones to share good moments in the kitchen or in the bathroom ; one toy shelf, like Capucine, will allow to store (already) many baby toys; one pretty book library will be of the most beautiful effect in the room, like Madeleine, it will allow the little hands to choose at best its evening history.

For the Toddlers (2-3 years):

The toddlers are curious and like to solve simple problems. Construction games with big blocks, simple board games and large puzzles are wise choices. Dolls and figurines can help develop imagination. Imitation games will also delight most toddlers. Our little kitchen Denise is suitable for small hands that want to make like dad and mom and prepare good small dishes, to you to add all the accessories you want: small kitchen utensils, pans and fake foods, and if it were the best gift idea common for that age?

For the Preschools (3-5 years):

At this age, children are ready to commit to more complex games. Construction games, society games adapted to their age and puzzles with more pieces are excellent. Children's musical instruments can also feed their creativity. All children or almost love to spend hours driving cars on the ground. With the range of toys to roll Fraise & Bois, offer a colorful and repairable toy: car, pick-up, tractor, of all colors, there are for all tastes.

For the Scolaire Age (6-12 years):

School-age children have varied interests. More complex board games, advanced building games and science and exploration games are excellent options. DIY kits and sports equipment specific to a particular sport are also popular. Home Fraise & Bois, victor Ball Game ally address and dexterity, and the swords and shields Arthur will be the companions of playful roles.

For Adolescents (13 years and older):

Adolescents have increasingly specific tastes. Strategic corporate games, advanced building games (such as metal models), video games and game consoles are often appreciated. Do not forget books, musical instruments or sports equipment adapted to their personal interests. And if it was also the right time for offer intangible gifts ? From time together, outings, concerts, outdoor activities, the choice is vast.

In the end, remember that each child is unique, and its preferences may vary. When you choose a gift, consider the individual interests of the child, because it can make all the difference for his happiness and development. By following these simple tips, you will be able to select the perfect gift depending on the child's age and offer him one moment of joy and learning.